As reimbursements have continued to decline in all areas of healthcare, cost saving alternatives are more important than ever.

In conjunction with Pinestar Technology, Inc.(PTI), we are able to offer a wide array of nuclear medicine and/or PET hot lab and imaging accessories at a preferred rate, which will compliment your imaging program as well as your bottom line.

PTI is one of the largest suppliers of Nuclear Medicine and PET Supplies and Accessories. For over 30 years, Pinestar Technology has been supplying Nuclear Medicine supplies & Accessories to medical facilities all over the world.

Please check out their catalog, which includes a wide variety of items for Nuclear Medicine, Cardiology and PET imaging. If you require any supplies not listed in the catalog, please let us know. The product line is constantly being expanded.

From humble beginnings in Nuclear Medicine, PTI has grown into an industry leader and innovator of custom solutions for radiation safety, patient positioning and compliance. Ordering through PhoenixPhysics will ensure that you receive the preferred pricing reserved for our clients.

We are committed to setting the standard in service and cost savings in all areas of nuclear medicine and PET imaging.

Please contact us at 404.915.9679 or email us at for ordering or pricing information.